Black Market Therapy

Happy 2022! Kicking off the New Year, Joel and Matt are joined by musician, rock climber, and erstwhile guest Brian Dickens to discuss the "Beginner's Mind." Discovering a new passion is always worthwhile, but what does it mean to stay engaged with a hobby, pursuit, or interest once the novelty wears off? As it turns out, it can be beneficial to greet even the most familiar endeavors from the perspective of a beginner.

Check out Brian's music via his website (which uses the best domain name on the Web)

Show Notes

Happy 2022! Kicking off the New Year, Joel and Matt are joined by musician, rock climber, and erstwhile guest Brian Dickens to discuss the "Beginner's Mind." Discovering a new passion is always worthwhile, but what does it mean to stay engaged with a hobby, pursuit, or interest once the novelty wears off? As it turns out, it can be beneficial to greet even the most familiar endeavors from the perspective of a beginner.

Check out Brian's music via his website (which uses the best domain name on the Web)

What is Black Market Therapy?

Join Joel and Matt biweekly on their convivial deep-dive to the core of the human condition.