Conversations with Crites' Podcast

🎙️ Today, we're diving into the crucial topic of nurturing a relationship with Christ in our children from a young age. 

Parents, guiding our children in faith is one of our most important roles. Let’s be faithful stewards, nurturing their love for the Lord. Remember Jesus’s words in Matthew 19:14: "Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven."   

Need prayer? Remember to fill out the prayer request form here I would love to pray for you and support you on your journey  !

Share this episode with someone who needs it, subscribe, and let's keep growing together. See you next week!  #FaithfulParenting #RaisingBelievers #ChristCenteredKids #ParentingWithFaith 

What is Conversations with Crites' Podcast?

I believe that through authentic conversations, unwavering faith, and the power of community, you can uncover your true potential and embrace a life filled with purpose, joy, and fulfillment.