
Join Nate Matherson as he sits down with Andrew Holland for the twenty-seventh episode of the Optimize podcast. Andrew is the Director of SEO for JBH, a Digital PR and SEO agency for consumer brands. He spoke at this year's BrightonSEO San Diego, is the author of The Value of SEO, and is the creator of the Growth Through Content newsletter. In this episode, Andrew and Nate dive deep into Nate’s favorite topics: Digital PR and Link building. The pair discuss the strategy behind crafting and executing a successful campaign, the value of quality backlinks, and the common misconceptions surrounding nofollow links. Andrew also shares his thoughts on the SEO industry, its saturation, and what lies ahead for organic search in 2024. As a special bonus, Andrew talks about the power of building an audience on LinkedIn (he has 50k+ followers now!) and how you can maintain authenticity on the platform. Closing out the episode is our popular lightning round of questions! Closing out the episode is our popular lightning round of questions! For more information, please visit www.positional.com or email us at podcast@positional.com.

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Check-in with Nate on LinkedIn & Twitter
Check-in with Andrew on LinkedIn & Twitter

Important Links:
JBH Agency & The Value of SEO & Growth Through Content Newsletter

What is Optimize?

Looking to scale an SEO channel and generate more traffic to your website? You are in the right place with the Optimize weekly podcast. Hosted by Nate Matherson, a content marketing and SEO leader, we go in-depth and tactical with an amazing selection of guests ranging from in-house SEO teams, agency folks, and solo practitioners who are crushing in their respective niches. Whether you are building an organic search channel for the first time or a seasoned pro, the Optimize podcast helps you keep up in the ever-changing SEO space. Our episodes are released each week on Wednesdays. For more information visit us at www.positional.com