Ask Rezzz

You’ve heard time and time again to build your email list. That the money is in the list. That growing your list is the way to profits.

The scary thing is that all this is true, but I don’t think any of these reasons are why an email list is the most important as a freelancer.

The reason I feel an email list is most important as a freelancer is that having that list will help you even out the dips or slow periods in your business cycle.

Show Notes

In order to be successful and build a sustainable freelance business where you can stay out of the famine part of the feast and famine cycle, you need to be able to push through those slow periods and not lose your shirt.

An email list is your best asset here.

To minimize the work right now, go into your inbox and/or wherever you keep your communication with leads and build a spreadsheet with 3 columns. First Name, Last Name, Email Address

Now after that, do the same with your past clients by just going into your billing system and pulling out all that information.

You should essentially have one list with 2 segments Leads and Past Clients.

Send an email to each person on that list asking them a simple email. 

“I’m writing today just to ask you one simple question. Would you like to be included on my email list to receive information about X so that you can Y? Also to stay up-to-date with my services and be first to know about any new availability and offers I may have? 

If you want in, just reply with ‘yes’ and I’ll add this as your best email address to my list.”

Remember those slow periods, well this is how you push through those successfully.

When identifying those slow periods, craft a scaled back version of your services and a month or 2 prior to that slow period. Write out a few emails to your list with your scaled back offer.

I’m not saying to discount your services, I’m suggesting you to carve out a slice of your services that you can do, build, implement, and deliver quickly and effectively. Then offer that at a profitable price.

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You ask, I answer your web development and design business questions. 🚀 Struggling with a client? Want to build recurring revenue but unsure where to start? Feeling overwhelmed? Have a client that's always late? Want to get clients who respect you? This is the show for you 2 times a week.