Slow & Steady

Benedikt and Benedicte are both celebrating very productive weeks as they see all their efforts come together in their respective projects.

Show Notes

Benedikt and Benedicte are both celebrating very productive weeks as they see all their efforts come together in their respective projects.
Benedikt and the team had a pretty successful week in terms of stuff shipped: they finished the frontend query builder improvements, implemented an Amplitude cohort sync integration, and added a server-side rendering for their new message “document schema”. They also plan to work on a bug in their old editor that’s causing problems with their users’ inline image data.

Benedicte’s also on a roll: they had a great meeting with Cloudinary last week, talking to Newline for producing courses, and is currently getting ready for her talks at Modern FrontEnds Live! and at Jamstack Conf 2022. She’s also working on a fun side project to clean up her Twitter following.

Creators & Guests

Benedicte Raae 👑
Queen Raae - Let's get the most out of @GatsbyJS | Creator of POW! — the privacy-first menstrual cycle journal ( | Co-host of the @SlowSteadyPod
Benedikt Deicke
Software Engineer & Co-founder of @userlist. Co-host at @SlowSteadyPod. Running @femtoconf. Creator of @stagecms. Loves music, food, and cooking.
Krista Melgarejo
Marketing & Podcasts at @userlist | Writer and digital marketer by trade | Still trying to get that science degree 🎓

What is Slow & Steady?

Join us as we share what it's like to build and launch a bootstrapped startup while working for yourself full-time. Benedikt is working on Userlist, and Benedicte is establishing herself as a Gatsby expert and developer advocate for hire.