Atlas Balked

In this episode we talk about Gregg’s sickness, thinning the herd, poor predictions, Scottie’s confidence, Blondie is done, Ramirez is rated, Moustakas has arrived, born under a bad sign, Mikey joins us again, playoff predictions, tiebreakers, Jack is an Omission fan, proper curse etiquette, the realignment is working, backpedaling, the Braves are good, Adams was fat but isn’t now, flexible superstars, why Mikey hates Harper, Jack rants about Posey (again), Mikey as a podcast star, Elden is a badass so be quiet por favor, english judges, and Mikey’s Juiceless World Series prediction. 

What is Atlas Balked?

Welcome to Atlas Balked, a weekly chronicle concerning the mundane, weird, and maybe even sometimes dramatic happenings of a Simple Fantasy Baseball League .

This podcast captures the thoughts and musings Gregg, Joe, Jack and Tim - four of the twelve owners in the league.