HUM 101 on the air!

A few weeks ago we met up with Chubby Cree, a women-led Indigenous drum group, at the Starlite room. We were able to record 5 songs and an amazing interview with Carol, Robyn, and Noah of Chubby Cree! And by we, I mean Jason Borys (of Ag47) with help from Kris Harper (from Ag47 and nêhiywak, see week 7 for an interview with Kris). We also catch up with Jason Borys who has been a tremendous help with all things sound these past months, thank you Jason! Needless to say, it's a great class, enjoy!

What is HUM 101 on the air!?

Humanities 101, or HUM, or HUM 101, is a free, university-level non-credit course that challenges conventions of university learning by recognizing and valuing multiple ways of knowing and learning. HUM strives to make engaged learning as accessible as possible by eliminating financial barriers, and pushing against the situational and institutional barriers put in place to exclude many people from attending post-secondary.