Chief Evangelist with Ethan Beute

In today's episode, we're thrilled to have Ton Dobbe, the founder of Value Inspiration and the author of The Remarkable Effect - The Essential Book for Tech Entrepreneurs on a Mission. Ton dives into the relationship between product marketing and evangelism with our host, Ethan Beute. 

Discover Ton's insights on achieving true remarkability and learn how to apply his innovative methodology to create meaningful differentiation and exceed customer expectations. He also delves into his mission at Value Inspiration and reveals the transformative role product marketing has played throughout his career journey.

  • The most important role of an evangelist is to get people energized to make a transformative journey. People need to trust that there’s a different and better way and to pursue it.
  • Be remarkable in your business; remarkability is your “magic glue.” Understand what makes you unique, identify ideal customers, and cultivate these relationships. Passionate fans spread the word. Find your niche; don't aim to please everyone.
  • “Empathy is underrated” in both sales and marketing. Developing it requires that the meaningful difference you’re evangelizing is first and foremost. People need to see themselves in it and to feel, realize, and experience it. Revenue and profit follow.
  • The things humans do don’t scale. Yet we can create meaningful differentiation and competitive advantage through human activities. issues, you'll stand out, even against bigger competitors. Prioritize solving highly valuable and critical problems in a way that surpasses customer expectations for lasting impact.

Quote of the Show:
  • “You’re on a mission to take a friction out of the market that’s been holding businesses back for too long. Name that. Make it specific.”

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Creators & Guests

Ethan Beute
Ethan Beute is the Chief Evangelist at Follow Up Boss, former Chief Evangelist at BombBomb, host of The Customer Experience Podcast, and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of Human-Centered Communication and Rehumanize Your Business.
Bjørn Bauge

What is Chief Evangelist with Ethan Beute?

Welcome to Chief Evangelist, the podcast that unravels the unique and potent role of Chief Evangelists and the influential movement they lead. Hosted by Ethan Beute, each episode delves into the world of evangelism work, exploring its intricacies and shedding light on what success truly means in this space. From understanding why focusing on a problem is more impactful than a product, to the overlap and divergence with thought leadership, community building, category design, and traditional sales and marketing – this podcast is your go-to resource for insights into innovation and the demand for evangelism. Whether you're aspiring to be a Chief Evangelist or seeking to comprehend its significance, join Ethan for captivating conversations with evangelists across diverse companies, verticals, and industries.