Adventures in Progress

The adventurers have left The Grove in order to cure Victoria and Mara's werebear curse, but what lies within the Feywild is a mystery. Almost as much a mystery as what Merid the Blood Hag might ask for in return for a cure.

Show Notes

The adventurers have left The Grove in order to cure Victoria and Mara's werebear curse, but what lies within the Feywild is a mystery. Almost as much a mystery as what Merid the Blood Hag might ask for in return for a cure. Corzaphir learns more about their past and what happened since they were tortured by Sister Serenity and Commander Jaben Methodius, and Verhis's affliction grows more potent. 

What is Adventures in Progress?

We are a Dungeon and Dragons podcast focusing on roleplaying and storytelling with a strong narrative along with humor and good cheer. Come and join us each week for a stirring adventure of strength, emotion, and collaboration as we follow the journeys of these characters brought to life by an extraordinary cast.