Urban Puritano

FROM THE VAULTS! This episode was recorded at the end of 2023. Better late than never!

I was like a fly on the wall to the weekly Pastoral Prayer and Care Meeting where the Pastor and two Pastoral Assistants, Matt and Stephen, conduct a Lord's Day Service review, pray for each other and the church, and plan ahead for ministry.

Little did we know how much on the verge of WW3 2024 would be! Regardless of the chaos, however, I was encouraged to hear how committed to faithfully proclaiming God's Word these men were. Among the topics we scratched the surface of were:

* Confessionalism
* Seminary
* Church Life
* Egalitarianism
* Christendom
* Christian Nationalism
* Moscow Mood
* Political Theology
* Reformed 2K
* A Republic if you can keep it
* Two Tables of the Law
* The Church's Purpose
* Discerning the Times
* and more!

I greatly appreciate the wide range of issues that are on their pastoral radar and the desire to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. These gifted brethren bleed Bibline!

What is Urban Puritano?

All Christians are urban Christians. Whether you live in Graceville, Florida or Chicago, Illinois, the believer is on a pilgrim's journey from the City of Destruction to the Celestial City. You are not alone in your journey. As we travel the narrow path from our current city to the one whose Architect and builder is the living God, one such traveler is Urban Puritano.