SHOUT! For Libraries

Librarians navigate the complex world of information ethics and digital citizenship has more than its share of ethical landmines. 

Luckily, there’s a course for that. In LIS 530: Technology Information and Society delves into contemporary debates in the area of digital sociology. 

Today’s guest episode is a podcast produced for LIS 530. It’s a deep dive into share-enting culture, and the issues of privacy and consent.

The voices you’ll hear are Monica Maddaford and one of our Shout team members, Lothian Taylor.

What is SHOUT! For Libraries?

SHOUT! For Libraries is a show on CJSR 88.5 FM about the topics affecting libraries around the world. Each month, students from the University of Alberta’s School of Library and Information Studies take an in-depth look at the serious issues that matter to librarians, like censorship, diversity, and… romance novels.

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