Becoming a Solo Founder - NodleStudios

An update on all the things that I've been up to with NodleStudios over the past 5 months. Actually, the episode is more about how life sometimes doesn't get out of the way and make it easy to focus on the projects we want to.

Show Notes

Yes, you read that right… “floundering” was the word I used as opposed to “foundering.” I don’t know if I need to explain myself more than that or not, but it sure has felt like the last six months, since I’ve made the move to freelancing instead of being an employee, have been rather like “flopping along like a fish out of water.”

It has been a while since I recorded, if I looked correctly the last episode was released on May the 29th.

This episode is basically a “what have I been up to the last 5 months” kind of an episode. In a lot of ways it feels like most of my time is spent just “getting through today” and not working on the things I need to be doing to get the flywheel going for projects that I hope will eventually pay the bills… but I guess that’s life.

One thing I want to be completely clear about in any of these podcast episodes is how not super polished everything is in the way I/we navigate the intersection of day to day life and operating a business.

Anyway… I hope you enjoy this episode. If you listened to it, I’d love to hear from you about what kinds of things you’re working on. Shoot me an email at and say hi!

Take care!

What is Becoming a Solo Founder - NodleStudios?

A weekly (or biweekly) recap type podcast where I'll talk about what I've done over the past week or so as I continue on the journey towards being a solo founder. Hopefully the kind of solo founder who can eventually support himself.