Christ Community Church - Olathe Campus - SUNDAY MESSAGES

Romans 8:18-25 // Nathan Miller

Our world and our lives are in labor. And it hurts. The suffering, the agony, the tears. The trauma and the drama. But our groaning will one day give birth to glory. And somehow it will all have been worth it. Do you believe that?

Now God doesn’t say our sufferings don’t matter, that our sufferings aren’t real, that we’re just a bunch of wimps and should get over it. No. It’s not that our sufferings are so insignificant. It’s that the glory that is coming is just so great. So immense. That it’s not even worth comparing.

God sees you. And He never minimizes our pain. Nor does He promise us a life without pain. What God promises, is a way through the pain.

SERMON NOTES (YouVersion):


What is Christ Community Church - Olathe Campus - SUNDAY MESSAGES?

This podcast features the Sunday morning messages from Christ Community Church's Olathe Campus.