Discipling By Jesus

Ernie attempts to articulate his vision of an alternative to monastic orders for high-commitment spirituality

Show Notes

In his latest attempt to explain his vision of The Great Reset, Ernie lists three ways his vision differs from monastic (and by implication evangelical) spirituality:
  • Decentralized vs Hierarchical
  • Incarnate vs Extractive
  • Practice vs Knowledge
David was very helpful in teasing out shared definition of words, to the point where they seemed to reach at least a basic level of understanding.  Is this stable enough to form a foundation for future discussions? Stay tuned to find out!


What is Discipling By Jesus?

The only real answer is Jesus.
The only real problem is Sin.
The only real work is the Cross.
In the end, we only have Him.

Discipling by Jesus (DBJ) is a group "co-devotional" practice for encountering the crucified Christ. By working through His Word & Spirit, Body & Blood we explore greater depths of the Father’s love as we surrender to the Holy Spirit.