Cost of Glory

How should we look at the lives of “problematic” great figures? Join us as we join the ancient philosopher Plutarch, in sizing up two incredible men of action. Who wins?

Show Notes

How should we look at the lives of “problematic” great figures?  Join us as we join the ancient philosopher Plutarch, in sizing up two incredible men of action.  Who wins?  
Shout out to sources and inspirations: 
Plutarch, life of Sulla
Plutarch, life of Marius
Plutarch, life of Sertorius
Plutarch, life of Pompey
Plutarch, life of Lucullus
Appian, Civil Wars
Appian, Mithridatic Wars
Cicero, pro Sexto Roscio
Sallust, Jugurtha
Arthur Keaveney (R.I.P.), Sulla, The Last Republican
Theodor Mommsen, History of Rome
Gareth Sampson, Collapse of Rome
Catherine Steel, The End of the Roman Republic; “Sulla the Orator”
Adrienne Mayor, The Poison King

What is Cost of Glory?

The most influential biographies ever written, admired by leaders, creators, soldiers, and thinkers for nearly 2,000 years: Plutarch’s Parallel lives. Essential listening for anyone striving after greatness. Alex Petkas, former professor of ancient philosophy and history, revives and dramatically retells these unforgettable stories for modern audiences. The subjects are statesmen, generals, orators, and founders; pious and profane, stoics and hedonists. The stakes bear on the future of Western civilization. The cost of glory is always great. Visit to find out more.