On The Daily

Your coach, your mentor, your upline, your sponsor… Someone, at some point, told you to find peoples pain-points when marketing your business or your product to them. I know, I have been told, and have told others to do this as well. I have done this myself.

And, I will be the first to stand up, and say “that is no longer going to work for most people“ .. here’s why.

For the last few years, most people have experienced a lot of pain. There also is a universal shift happening to the collective, and people are waking up and realizing they are not trying to do what they’ve been doing. Work where they’ve been working. Feel how they’ve been feeling. Spending time with people who continue to make them feel like shit.

People want pleasure!
I don’t know about you, but do you constantly want to be reminded of your pain? Because I sure as shit don’t. I want to wake up every day, focused on the life that I am running toward, not the one I’m leaving behind..

I’m going to guess that most people feel that way.
Now, I’m in no way saying, we forget where we came from. That’s impossible to forget for most people. What I’m saying is this:

If my “pain-point“ is “I am broke and never have enough money“… then somewhere deep inside of me, my subconscious believes that that is what is typical for me. So, in order to change that, I have to focus my vision on what I want, not what I don’t want. I need to start saying things like “I am built for financial abundance“… and the idea of financial abundance, to someone who never has enough money, is super freaking pleasurable and desirable.

If my motivation for trying a product/ a service, or starting a business is because “I don’t have enough money, and I’m always broke“, then every time shit hits the fan, or I experience a low, I will only think of that pain point, and it will continue to keep me in a loop of scarcity.

Now, if every time I experience a low, I think “I am built for financial abundance“, it’s going to be a lot easier for me to shift my trajectory.

Focus on pleasure. What’s possible. Let’s leave pain in the past.

  • [3:26] What is pain-point marketing, and has it died out?
  • [7:56] We have all had enough pain in the last few years - we want pleasure.
  • [11:30] Focus on how your work makes you feel.

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on IG @danielle_onthedaily
Podcast: @onthedailypod

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What is On The Daily?

I am a wealth energetics and quantum business coach, host of On The Daily podcast, multi 6-figure entrepreneur, and the co-founder and President of HypeU Media, LLC.. Using Human Design and various strategy and energetic strategies, I will help you scale your business in a sustainable way that gives you an aligned full body F**K Yes! After the death of my best friend/ father, I dove deep into personal healing, and spiritual development. I trained in Human Design, Trauma Healing, Astrology, Reiki, Meditation, and Wealth Energetics and that really brought me back from a pretty epic burnout. I left corporate fitness after almost 10 years, and got real clear on my vision and my boundaries. Since then, I’ve built a multi-six-figure coaching business, a top-rated podcast that’s close to 250K downloads and a highly engaged social media network - all within 2 years. What I am really interested in is you living a life that turns you on and having a business that is a full body yes. Through all of my education and experience, I will guide you and give you the tools necessary to scale a massive, sustainable, and sexy business using your intuition and Human Design.