The Babel Podcast

Jason Miller and Henry Zhu do a follow up episode on the issues around running modern JavaScript for not just your own code, but rather your dependencies (what's in node_modules). Discussed are specific approaches by bundlers to change package.json fields like jsnext:main/module, general issues for library consumers and maintainers as well as browsers, and the hints of some ideas for the near and far future.


Show Notes

Jason Miller and Henry Zhu do a follow up episode on the issues around running modern JavaScript for not just your own code, but rather your dependencies (what's in node_modules). Discussed are specific approaches by bundlers to change package.json fields like jsnext:main/module, general issues for library consumers and maintainers as well as browsers, and the hints of some ideas for the near and far future.


What is The Babel Podcast?

You probably use Babel. Do you ever wonder who made or works on the software you use, especially in open source? Or maybe it's in your dependencies and you don't even know.

Henry Zhu chats with other members of the team, TC39, and the JS community about the future of JavaScript, open source, and how it's all maintained. Join us in babbling about Babel!