Movin’ with Mel and Marm

Who says homesteading is only for the countryside? Melissa shares her urban cooping journey. But when Marmie discovers that Melissa hadn’t given her hens names, she’s taken aback and insists on remedying the situation. What quirky names will Marmie bestow upon Melissa’s urban flock? 

  • Melissa proves urban cooping is the way to go
  • Marmie names a chicken
  • Chickens can basically fly, Melissa’s chickens sleep in the trees

What is Movin’ with Mel and Marm?

Co-hosts, Melissa Touris and Marmie Leech, are REALTORS® in Dallas, TX with a passion to educate and inform - all while having a great time! Join us for a bi-weekly conversation of real estate tips, current events, and entertaining escapades.