Connect with Damian & Amanda

It's been four lockdowns since Damian and Amanda's last podcast.... this week they return to talk about the upside of Melbourne's lockdown 6.0 and the joy that will flow in the following months as we enjoy Spring and it's magical bust of Yang energy.

Show Notes

It's been four lockdowns since Damian and Amanda's last podcast.... this week they return to talk about the upside of Melbourne's lockdown 6.0 and the joys that will come in the following months as we enjoy Spring and it's magical bust of Yang energy.


What is Connect with Damian & Amanda?

Damian and Amanda share their insights on all things health, healing and transformation. They have both lived and breathed transformation in their own lives as practitioners, and also the patient. Their passion is to inspire you, so that you can empower yourself on your own journey to health and happiness.