Aaron Glover Sermons

Aaron Glover Sermons Trailer Bonus Episode 26 Season 1

What's in a Name? (Immanuel series #1)

What's in a Name? (Immanuel series #1)What's in a Name? (Immanuel series #1)


As we prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus, we are exploring the meaning behind the prophecy that the Son born to the virgin would be called IMMANUEL - which means God with us. We also consider why God would refer to Him by that name, and why He was sent to us. In this, we see one of our God’s deepest desires: to dwell with us — now and forever!

Show Notes

As we prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus, we are exploring the meaning behind the prophecy that the Son born to the virgin would be called IMMANUEL -  which means God with us. We also consider why God would refer to Him by that name, and why He was sent to us. In this, we see one of our God’s deepest desires: to dwell with us — now and forever!

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