AGHOST Stories

Ahoy there! Welcome aboard the USS Turner Joy, filled with old war tchotchkes, weird energy, and something not living that wants you off their ship. Warning: EVPs inside!

Show Notes

The USS Turner Joy is a retired war ship, now museum and memorial of the Bremerton Historic Ships Association, docked in Bremerton, Washington. It's also super haunted. Join us as we discuss some investigations AGHOST has done there, and share some audio *whispers* evidence we've documented.

What is AGHOST Stories?

Join us as we divulge the haunted history of Seattle's spookiest places, and speak to our first hand paranormal experiences as investigators in Advanced Ghost Hunters of Seattle Tacoma. Based in the heart of Pioneer Square, Spooked In Seattle houses our paranormal group, as well as haunted tours and a Museum of Death. Gather 'round the chilly Seattle underground and let us tell you real AGHOST stories.