That Remote Life | Interviews with Digital Nomads and Location Independent Entrepreneurs

Today on the podcast I am joined by Dustin Overbeck the founder and CEO of []( which builds easy to use websites for municipalities. The reason why I wanted to have Dustin on the show is that over the last decade he has built a type of business called a productized service. This sort of business allows you to sell a service like web development in Dustin's case more or less like a product. This allows it to be easier to scale, more profitable and more easily automated.

In this episode, Dustin and I discussed the early days of TownWeb and how he found his niche which is building websites for small US municipalities. We talked about what part location arbitrage and remote work have played in building the business and Dustin even shared some of his top tips for hiring great remote workers.

If you are someone currently running a service-based business who wants to implement more systems and automate your business so it continues to run smoothly without your constant input, this is an episode you don't want to miss.

Show Notes

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What is That Remote Life | Interviews with Digital Nomads and Location Independent Entrepreneurs ?

That Remote Life is a podcast focused on helping you become location independent in order to live life on your terms. Serial entrepreneur and traveler Mitko Karshovski interviews some of the most successful entrepreneurs and digital nomads to help uncover the strategies and skills to help you reach the same success. Follow Mitko's journey in real-time as he builds his own location independent business and shares all the lessons and experiences. If you are someone who wants to get out of a desk job, start your own business, and become a location independent entrepreneur, then this show is for you. Visit the show online at