You Play A What?

This week I am joined by Shanghai Orchestra Academist, Mindy Chang. Currently putting her programme in Shanghai on hold, Mindy is no stranger to our friends in the neighbouring countries, having spent a few months as an exchange student at the Mahidhol University in Bangkok, Thailand. She was also a member of the 2019 Asian Youth Orchestra. Tune in to find out more about Mindy's dream of farm ownership and she some valuable lessons from her time overseas.

Show Notes

Some words that comes to mind when we describe Western Classical music, Sophisticated? Elitist? Snobbish? Atas? Chim? Whatever the word might be for you, as musicians trained in the discipline of Western Classical music, we tend to go into a rabbit hole and tunnel vision, believing the pastures over in the Western world is greener, better and guarantees improvement in your craft to a level you can only dreamed about. I do agree that the western world includes nations that is considered the classical music mecca and schools of playing that appeals to you and it is always a good idea to broaden your own horizons by spending an extended period of time in such places. But ultimately, the idea of improving our craft comes from a dedication and eagerness from within. We could only wish that all we needed to attain performance enlightenment is a visa and an air ticket to the country of your choice. Therefore in any given situation, it is important that we find opportunities to learn, in respect of music, culture, social interactions, language just to name a few.

At first when I heard that Mindy was going to Thailand as part of her exchange programme, I was shocked. Did she mistake her exchange for a holiday? The idea of moving west was so strong that I fail to see the other possibilities, more importantly understand one's decision. On hindsight, I believe that going to a country near home for exchange might not be all that bad after all. Tune in to find out what is going on in Mindy's life and why she made the decisions she did!

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What is You Play A What??

"What are your plans after graduation?" "What kind of work can you apply for with a Music Degree?" "You Play a What?" These might be some infuriating and intimidating questions for any aspiring musician. If you are looking for some relief, join Vincent every Wednesday, as he finds out from his guest their inspiring stories, grit, graft and all that it takes for them to succeed in the music industry.