Mads Singers Management Podcast

Episode Summary

Like myself, Michelle Johnston is passionate about leadership and management! I thought you’d figure that out! Michelle joins us today to talk about the book she authored and her 25 years of experience in leadership and management. 

Michelle is a firm believer in the importance of how to improve connection in the workplace and has seen its positive impact! Many people are probably wondering how to make employees feel connected with all the pressure in the workplace. But for Michelle, while results are important, when employees feel they are heard and valued, results become better through effective employees connection

You don’t want to sit this episode out! As early as now, learn how to improve connection in the workplace, and you could avoid today’s labor shortage! 

Listen to this week’s show and learn:

Episode Resources:

The Seismic Shift In Leadership: How To Thrive In A New Era Of Connection
Author: Michelle K. Johnston 

  1. Michelle Johnston
  2. Linkedin
  3. Mads Singers Free Management Training
  4. Join Mads Singers Management Group 

Enjoyed Mads Singers’ podcast? Check out these:

#6: Julio Monzon on Culture-Driven Leadership
#152: How Do I Increase Employee Retention? Learn How Your Work Culture Affects!
#158: Save So Much Money By Following 3 Steps To Better Your Employee Engagement & Retention

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What is Mads Singers Management Podcast ?

Learn from dedicated entrepreneurs, innovators, and experts who have been in your shoes, effectively managing people, successfully growing businesses, and helping others do the same!

Hi! I am Mads Singers, your podcast host, People Management Coach, and Consultant.

My management philosophy is based on a simple and unique premise:
Treat everyone as an individual and put the right individuals into the right box.

Doing this makes the rest of the management process that much easier.


Get better results by learning the “hacks” from the best and learn actionable steps to apply to your business and personal life!

New episodes are published every Wednesday at 9 AM EST.