10 Questions with 10 Pastors

David Garrison, an alumni of Gateway Seminary, has worked with IMB as journeymen in Hong Kong, was director at the Foreign Missionary Board and director at Global Gates. David has always had a love for missions. He shares about seeing lostness at a young age and wanting to serve in a place with little gospel access.

For more info: globalgates.info/
Want to hear more about David's experiences? Listen to The Maverick Podcast! www.themaverickpodcast.com/

What is 10 Questions with 10 Pastors?

10 Questions with 10 Pastors is an interview podcast on preaching, ministry challenges, and more.

Host Tyler Sanders speaks with pastors about sermon strategy and preparation, the ups-and-downs of serving a church, and controversial topics like: Who has the best burger? In-n-Out or Five Guys?