Homeschool Teachers' Lounge with Pam Barnhill & Mystie Winckler

A homeschool mom chat about consistency and homeschooling with toddlers.

Show Notes

Pam and Mystie chat about their school week including struggling with foreign language consistency and molecular model kids. They also chat about how to handle toddlers and the havoc they cause in our homeschools.

Molecular Model Kit:
Toddler Training Grounds: Managing Expectations While Homeschooling Many:
Learn to Write Numbers Printables:
Mystie’s Morning Time Memory Work Binder Tutorial:
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What is Homeschool Teachers' Lounge with Pam Barnhill & Mystie Winckler?

Brief, off-the-cuff conversations about real life homeschooling in the moment. Pam & Mystie both homeschool teens and middle-schoolers and have been homeschooling for over a decade. Together they share what it's really like, give tips and recommendations, and encourage homeschool moms to keep up the good work.