Bible Roots Podcast

In today’s episode, Pastor Randy Frazee introduces us to Nicole Martin, the Senior Vice President for Ministry Impact at American Bible Society. Nicole introduces us to the concept of “The Movable Middle”, referring to those people that are introduced to the Bible, but may be considered “mid-way engaged” versus those that are Bible-centered. Nicole discusses how Scripture Engagement is important to develop those that could choose to engage less with Scripture or more with Scripture depending on what they are exposed to and taught.  RELATED LINKS: of the Bible:

Show Notes

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You have the same 24 hours in your day as the most accomplished people in the world. So why doesn't it feel that way? Follow along on this special 6 episode series as we take a look at how to make more time. By following biblical principles and taking a look at what you really want, Making Time shares the secret to having all the time you need... with a little help from some friends.

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In today’s episode, Pastor Randy Frazee introduces us to Nicole Martin, the Senior Vice President for Ministry Impact at American Bible Society. Nicole introduces us to the concept of “The Movable Middle”, referring to those people that are introduced to the Bible, but may be considered “mid-way engaged” versus those that are Bible-centered. Nicole discusses how Scripture Engagement is important to develop those that could choose to engage less with Scripture or more with Scripture depending on what they are exposed to and taught.  


State of the Bible:

What is Bible Roots Podcast?

The Bible Roots Podcast is all about Bible Engagement. Designed for pastors who long to see people effectively engage the Bible. Our discussions will stimulate your thinking and give you creative and effective ideas you can use to help the people you lead engage with God’s Word in such a way that it transforms their lives, their families lives and the lives of their church.