The Connected Mom

Need some fresh ideas on how to best pray for your child? Listen in! Becky and Sarah talk with Sharon Jaynes about "Praying for Your Child from Head to Toe"--a book Sharon wrote that is a 30-day guide to "powerful and effective Scripture-based prayers." Sharon shares insights on praying for different areas of a child's life, starting with the mind and going down to the feet. She also encourages moms to pray for other children and reminds them that God is always at work, even when it seems like evil is winning. The episode concludes with a prayer for encouragement and a reminder to trust in God's love and provision.

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Creators & Guests

Sharon Jaynes
Been dating my husband, Steve, for 35 years. Author of The Power of a Woman's Words, Becoming the Woman of His Dreams and a passel of other books.

What is The Connected Mom?

Form a deeper connection with God, more empathetically connection with other Moms, and more intentional connection with your child.