Kube Cuddle

Kube Cuddle Trailer Bonus Episode 9 Season 1

Kaslin Fields

Kaslin FieldsKaslin Fields


In this episode Rich speaks with Kaslin Fields from Google.

Topics include: Growing up in a small Appalachian village, how Docker nailed developer experience, live tweeting events, Kaslin’s show Fields Tested on cloudnative.tv, the Kubernetes Contributor Communications team, being a CNCF Ambassador, how the Kubernetes project is organized, Developer Relations, and more.

Show Notes

Show Notes:

Kube Cuddle Patreon (Thanks for your support, patrons!)

Kaslin's Twitter
Rich's Twitter
Podcast Twitter

Episode Transcript


Rich's blog post about the cloudnative.tv schedule
Kaslin’s talk from KubeCon EU 2020
Kubernetes SIG Contributor Experience
Kat and Ian’s talk
Working in Public by Nadia Eghbal
Kubernetes Monthly Community Meeting
CKA Exam Simulator
Saiyam Pathak
Rich’s talk What On-Call Does to Us

Listener question from @qam_f. Thank you!

Logo by the amazing Emily Griffin.
Music by Monplaisir.

Thanks for listening.

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What is Kube Cuddle?

A podcast about Kubernetes, and the people who build and use it.