The Music Authority LIVE STREAM Show

Please, keep in mind that come January 1st, The Music Authority will be on a hit and/or miss hiatus.  The network shows will be running weekly, but the daily show will happen when and where I can to them.  This economy has forced me out of retirement and back into the workforce.  I know that I wasn’t going to find meaningful employment over the holidays.  So, after the start of the new year I will be scrambling around looking to get employed again.  As I stated, the weekly network shows will keep running, so keep the music flowing to me.  Once I get back to work and into a groove, I’ll restart the daily shows!  The Music Authority Podcast... listen, like, comment, download, share, repeat… heard daily on Podchaser, Deezer, Amazon Music, Audible, Listen Notes, Mixcloud, Player FM, Tune In, Podcast Addict, Cast Box, Radio Public, and Pocket Cast, and APPLE iTunes!  Please, are you listening? Please, are you sharing the podcast?  How does and can one listen in? Let me list the ways...
*Podcast -   
The Music Authority Podcast!  Special Recorded Network Shows, too!  Different than my daily show! 
*Radio Candy Radio Monday Wednesday, & Friday 7PM ET, 4PM PT
*Rockin’ The KOR Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 7PM UK time, 2PM ET, 11AM PT
*Pop Radio UK Friday, Saturday, & Sunday 6PM UK, 1PM ET, 10AM PT!  
*The Sole Of Indie  Monday Through Friday 6-7PM EST!
December 9, 2023, Saturday, third verse, so very different from the first…
Sir Prize and The Twomorrow Knightz - 01 A Glittering Christmas
Guster - Rainy Day [Lost And Gone Forever]
@Eric Carmen - Boats Against The Current
Scott Samuels - 05 Rock and Roll Love Letter [Sunshine & Starlight]
@Tim Moore - Second Avenue
@The Zou Bisou – Jolly Lolly
@Debbie & The Teen Dreams - Santa, Teach Me To Dance
Skidders - Wedding Guitars [Skidders Friends]
Dave Edmunds - I Knew The Bride (When She Used To Rock And Roll)
Herb Eimerman - Treat Yourself Well [Power Chords, Harmonies And Mistletoe]
Lisa Mychols Music- Gonna Get That Boy [IPO Vol 5]
Dana Countryman - 14 Christmas All Over The World [Pop3]
The Forty Nineteens - 03 Falling Down
Ellen Foley - 05 I Found A Love [Fighting Words]
Allan Kaplon - Every Single Day [Notes On A Napkin]
Richard Turgeon - 03 California Dreamin' [10 Covers - Volume II]
@Results Of Adults - 12. Magic [Interstellar Peach Delight]
Zoe Schwarz Blue Commotion - 13-Thank You [The Blues And I Should Have A Party]

What is The Music Authority LIVE STREAM Show?

The Music Authority bringing Power Pop, Rock, Soul, Rhythm & Blues to anyone and everyone who has courage, is brave enough to not follow the crowd, the masses (the “M” is always silent!), trusts in themselves enough to listen to SOMETHING completely DIFFERENT! How did I get here....I worked in radio since High School...WCSQ-FM, onto College at WOCC, to the professional commercial world WKFM, WOSC, WGES, WHEN, WRRB, WPCX, WMBO, WCSP, WMMB, WBVD, WIXC, WHKR. Over the years I noticed that music I enjoyed was not getting played and after leaving the industry for 13 years, I chose to come back and serve the music styles I enjoy and hopefully you will too! The biggest question being asked is "What format is The Music Authority?" And The Answer IS..."Whatever I want to play or whatever my friends and listeners ask for!”