Reimagine Law

In this special episode we are joined by Sylvain Magdinier, Senior Vice-President, Legal and Compliance, at Integreon, a leading Alternative Legal Services Provider (ALSP).  We explore how ALSP businesses developed, the types of work they do, the use of technology in the work, and the roles and career paths available – highlighting the skill-sets which can help you to succeed in these businesses.

In this special episode we are joined by Sylvain Magdinier, Senior Vice-President, Legal and Compliance, at Integreon, a leading Alternative Legal Services Provider (ALSP).  We explore how ALSP businesses developed, the types of work they do, the use of technology in the work, and the roles and career paths available – highlighting the skill-sets which can help you to succeed in these businesses.  In this episode, Sylvain summarises how ALSP businesses evolved, arising from deregulation in the England & Wales legal services market allowing different types of legal service provision, coupled with a client-led drive for greater efficiency and value delivery.  Sylvain talks about the wide range of services which ALSPs can offer, ranging from provision of expert staffing to projects where legal teams need to analyse or manage high volumes of documents for litigation or transactions, regulatory-driven reporting requirements, or consultancy services.  The episode also looks at the different career paths to gaining a role in an ASLP, including the route which Sylvain took via private practice law firms and in-house roles.  We explore the skills which will help you to progress in an ALSP, the possible career paths, and how technology is constantly evolving the ways in which these businesses are working with their clients (both law firms and in-house teams).  The discussion highlights too the importance of trying different roles to gain practical experience of how businesses like an ALSP can offer interesting and challenging pathways which are at the leading edge of how the legal sector is changing. 

Actions and resources for listeners:
·        Check this webpage for the Chambers guide to ALSPs – read two of the articles and think what are three main trends you see in this part of the legal services market?
·        Look at two of the different services offered by Integreon as a ALSP: and for each of the two areas make a list of the skills you think will be important in providing that service.
·        Where do your skills match?  After reading this article, consider how your own skill-set and interests fit into a ALSP and the opportunities there.

What is Reimagine Law?

A podcast about legal education to help students navigate an increasingly complex set of career path choices, and build the mind-set of being a life-long learner. We're here to promote innovative education, and diverse workforces by democratising access to career advice from both experts and current students alike.