
In this conversation, Warren and Jason discuss how boredom often stems from fear and a desire for comfort, which prevents growth and pursuit of meaningful goals. It is important to challenge oneself and pursue activities that align with one's purpose and values. Boredom is an indicator that one is not growing or moving forward. By actively fighting boredom, we can make the most of our limited time on earth and live a fulfilling life.

  • Boredom occurs when what you're doing doesn't interest you or spark passion.
  • It is dangerous as it leads to complacency and a lack of forward movement.
  • Boredom often stems from fear and a desire for comfort, which hinders growth.
  • It is important to challenge oneself and pursue activities aligned with one's purpose.
  • Boredom is an indicator that one is not growing or moving forward. Boredom often leads to filling our time with empty calories, such as mindless entertainment and distractions.
  • We should actively fight boredom by engaging in activities that are meaningful and purposeful, such as spending time with God, building relationships, pursuing creative endeavors, and seeking personal growth.
  • It's important to find a balance and not let entertainment consume our time and energy.
  • By actively fighting boredom, we can make the most of our limited time on earth and live a fulfilling life.

What is church?

We are real people with real problems who really love God.

The word "church" refers to the body of Christ, the people who accept Jesus as their Savior and follow His teachings. Join friends, Warren Brown & Jason Fowler, as they dive into a wide range of topics, such as faith, family, finances, race, culture, hobbies and habits, all from the perspective of believers in Jesus. If you enjoy diving deep, gaining knowledge, discovering more about yourself or want to learn more about how Jesus's love can change your life, we would love for you to join us on this journey.