KickoffLabs On Growth

Timmy Oh wants to make the world a better place and believes they've built a product that can make gun ownership safer for families around the world. They've collected over 20,000 emails with KickoffLabs and we'll show you how!

Show Notes

Full transcript and notes available here

Set Marketing Goals

Do some research and understand what success would mean for you at the end and work backwards from that to set goals.

Get In Front of People

Tim never missed an opportunity to present his idea to school competitions, online forums, and even when he was pulled over by the police!

Build, Demo, and Iterate

Timmy has built 30 different prototype versions of their product before landing on the winner.

Disruption Requires a Different Message

Most of the gun industry peddles in fear so Vara Safety struck a warmer, family friendly, tone with their advertising.

Offer Discounts for Sharing

They drove a TON traffic to their campaign through the KickoffLabs viral tools by offering a discount for sharing.

Find Partner Communities

Timmy and his team built relationships with managers of facebook groups and other online communities.

What is KickoffLabs On Growth?

KickoffLabs On Growth is a podcast aimed to help you launch and grow your business. We’ll share our own stories and feature interviews with successful startup founders and marketing experts.