Solfate Podcast - Interviews with blockchain founders/builders on Solana

A conversation with Vlad Toni, the founder of AllDomains, a web3 domain platform on Solana.

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This conversation delves into All Domains' shift from developing social primitives on Solana to tokenizing web2 domains, exploring the benefits and potential of Solana in domain tokenization. Vlad shares insights from his journey into Solana, emphasizing the importance of long-term vision in the crypto space and the role of community support. The discussion also touches on the challenges of building the product and concludes with future plans, including the unique offering of emoji domains.

  • All Domains started as a project focused on social primitives but pivoted to tokenizing web2 domains on Solana.
  • Solana's vibrant and noisy ecosystem makes it an ideal blockchain for building domains and identities.
  • Tokenizing web2 domains on Solana allows for instant domain transfers and trading, providing a more efficient and cost-effective solution compared to traditional domain registration.
  • The future of domains in Web3 includes making them visitable in browsers and exploring security features that leverage on-chain resolution. Having a clear goal and long-term vision is crucial in the fast-paced crypto space.
  • Support and encouragement from the community can make a significant difference in the success of a project.
  • Overcoming challenges and persisting through difficult times is essential for building a successful product.
  • Exploring unique offerings, such as emoji domains, can provide new opportunities in the blockchain space.
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VladToni | 🧎
building @AllDomains_co-founder @onsol_labs all around ðŸŒą ðŸĶ€ ðŸŠķ ðŸ’ŧ shitposter | dev | glass eater | fnord

What is Solfate Podcast - Interviews with blockchain founders/builders on Solana?

Interviews with blockchain founders and builders on the Solana blockchain. Hosted by two developers building on Solana, by Nick (@nickfrosty) and James (@jamesrp13).