Emotionally Raw Coverage

Step into the emotional crucible, from the sacred halls of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre to the echo chambers of the battleground of belief. As the ground invasion gets underway, Amy and Dor’s courageous emotional excavation proceeds.  

Moral high grounds and the virtue signaling folk perched upon them come under scrutiny, exposing the pitfalls of echo chambers and the sharp sting of betrayal. From rage to resignation, Amy models a raw vulnerability as she processes her evolving emotions about the war, confronting those who talk over her lived experience. Painful interactions on social media intertwine with glimmers of hope from empathetic listeners reaching out. 

Reflecting on the delicate balance of maintaining a diverse social media feed and the need to shield oneself from its risks, Amy grapples with the complexities of navigating life online. Dor, crushed by a crush of yesteryear’s insta-activism, wistfully reminisces about rejections both past and present. 

Recalling a transformative Easter Sunday visit to Jerusalem, Amy explores the power of belief and the challenge of altering perspectives. Moved by the depth of faith demonstrated by Christian pilgrims from around the world, she reveals a profound revelation: you can't change people's core beliefs; one can only meet them where they are. Likening "cancel culture" to a secular religion, Amy ponders the futility of converting the hearts and minds of devoted followers of the Cancel Culture Church. 

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu faces the press for the first time since the war’s onset, deflecting questions about accountability that have been burning through Israeli society for weeks, prompting Dor to question the prerequisite of crabbiness and lament the absence of elegant kindness. 

Musing on the possibility of Israel being the first "canceled" country, Amy and Dor defiantly embrace the imperative of moving forward and announce changes to the show’s format. Acknowledging the challenging complexities of staying connected to frequent news developments, they forgo the recaps segment. The episode culminates with a very special broadcast within a broadcast: an unwavering promise, and a bold declaration, and a heartfelt plea that will keep you on the edge of your seat til Episode 50 and hopefully beyond.  

Recorded on October 29 (Day 23).

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What is Emotionally Raw Coverage?

Two neighbors in Tel Aviv meet for the first time on October 7th and start recording that night.

Join Amy Sapan & Dor Komet as they traverse complex emotions and navigate life during wartime in a new surreal reality.

(FKA "October 7: Emotionally Raw Coverage")

Season 1: Episodes 1-31
Step into the wild and unfiltered world of Season 1, where emotions ran high, voices sang, tears flowed, and hearts bared. From heartfelt conversations to moments of raw vulnerability, Amy and Dor guide listeners through a landscape of nervous laughter, tearful confessions, and heartfelt conversations, creating a space where listeners could laugh, cry, and connect deeply. Buckle up and tune in to Episode 21 for a glimpse into the emotional rollercoaster that defined this season, a deeply personal exploration of the human experience in the weirdest times we've ever lived through.

Season 2: Episodes 32-40
Embark on a journey of captivating interviews and thought-provoking discussions with illustrious guests as Season 2 unfolds. From journalists to psychiatrists, comedians to activists, philosophers to spiritual leaders, each episode brings a unique perspective and engaging conversation. Explore a wide range of topics from synthetic meth (Captagon), feminist silence, double standards for Israeli and Jewish journalists, the heart of the conflict, secular Zionism, forgiveness, hope, and beyond, all delivered with the signature authenticity and depth that characterize our show.

Season 3: Episodes 41 -
Enter the realm of Season 3, where conversation takes center stage. With a little bit of everything, this season promises engaging discussions and meaningful exchanges. Join Amy and Dor as they return to their roots, occasionally accompanied by special guests, delving into diverse topics. Each episode invites listeners to explore new perspectives and engage in dialogue that ignites curiosity and fosters connection.

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If you have any thoughts, questions, or just want to say hi, shoot us an email at october7thepodcast@gmail.com.

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They say life is a journey and not a destination. We agree. We're grateful you're here, and we hope you'll continue walking down this path with us as we keep evolving. Brace yourself, folks, or, as Amy likes to say, embrace yourselves.

Welcome to Emotionally Raw Coverage.


Special Credits:

A big shoutout to Podcastim Shemma, Jonathan Gal, Maya Schlesinger, Yair & Michal for being part of this incredible journey.