The Sound

Tonight on The Sound we turn it up with Twin Cities Breakdown, the latest album from Minneapolis punk rock duo New Rocket Union. New Rocket Union is John Ensley banging out guitar riffs and singing with Bruce Gustafson banging out the beat and backing vocals. The band describes themselves as garage punk and their straight ahead no frills style on this album grabs ahold of you and doesn’t let go until the end. So, crank it up, I’m Bill Stoneberg, get ready for some high energy rock without the high falutin’ fluff, with Twin Cities Breakdown from New Rocket Union, tonight on The Sound.
Original air date: 04/20/22.
The Sound is written and produced by KQAL 89.5FM on the campus of Winona State University.
The Sound is made possible by a grant from the Minnesota Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund.

Show Notes

Tonight on The Sound we turn it up with Twin Cities Breakdown, the latest album from Minneapolis punk rock duo New Rocket Union. New Rocket Union is John Ensley banging out guitar riffs and singing with Bruce Gustafson banging out the beat and backing vocals. The band describes themselves as garage punk and their straight ahead no frills style on this album grabs ahold of you and doesn’t let go until the end. So, crank it up, I’m Bill Stoneberg, get ready for some high energy rock without the high falutin’ fluff, with Twin Cities Breakdown from New Rocket Union, tonight on The Sound.

Original air date: 04/20/22.
 The Sound is written and produced by KQAL 89.5FM on the campus of Winona State University.
 The Sound is made possible by a grant from the Minnesota Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund.

What is The Sound?

In studio interview show centered around local and regional music releases. Includes music from the featured album and discussion with the artist(s) about the writing, recording and distribution processes. Might sometimes include producers and engineers involved on the featured album.