4D Recruitment Method

Recruitment agencies across the globe are seeking the secret sauce to stand out from their competitors. When clients are hiring, most agencies focus on the “finding” of talent. The race to get product (CVs) to the client and to begin the process – to get candidates into interview or started in a contract.

And in those agencies the emphasis is on qualifying candidates – qualifying their interest in the job, the steps they’ve taken to find work and their skillset. The differentiator is when you interview your candidates and protect your client from hiring the wrong people who look good on paper. Few of your clients know how to interview. 

It’s why they need the help of a good recruitment business and not a staffing agency.


To discover more about The 4D Recruitment Method go to: https://www.4drecruitmentmethod.com/newsletter-sign-up

What is 4D Recruitment Method?

The podcast for recruitment business owners, consultants and managers. Hosted by Jeremy Snell, this pod takes a fresh look at recruitment and how to achieve consistent success. Each short, punchy episode gives you an idea to play with or, a different perspective on a common challenge.
Making recruitment fun again.