
Just ahead of Juneteenth Elli and Michael talk to the folks with Abolish Bondage Collectively (ABC) a grassroots campaign working to eradicate structural racism and modern day slavery.

Show Notes

Hosts: Michael Wiafe & Ellinor Arzbaecher
Guests: Troy Williams, Alissa Moore, Marvin Galdamez, Jeronimo Aguilar
Production and Marketing: Jarrett Ramones, Tim Haydock, Kody Stoebig & Ellinor Arzbaecher

What do you know about modern day slavery? Sorry, we mean involuntary servitude.

Article 1, Section 6 of the California Constitution currently states: 
“Slavery is prohibited. Involuntary servitude is prohibited except to punish crime.” 

Wait...what? What is this 1860??

We sat down with some folks from the grassroots campaign Abolish Bondage Collectively (ABC), a movement “working to to eradicate structural racism and erase vestiges of slavery,” to discuss what this clause means, its impact, and why it should be removed from our state constitution. Our guests detailed some of their own experiences as formerly incarcerated individuals, the deeply ingrained inequities within our justice system, and legislation they are pushing to pass statewide.

ABC support ACA 3 – Abolishing Involuntary Servitude. ACA 3 would place a state constitutional amendment on the November 2022 ballot to remove a clause in California’s Constitution that allows the practice of involuntary servitude as a means of punishing crime

For more information:
Abolish Bondage Collectively
The History of Involuntary Servitude in California
Legal Services for Prisoners with Children

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