The Thinking Drinkers Podcast

This week the chaps are joined by comedian, author and expert wine drinker Mark Watson. Together they manage to work through three wines, beer and tequila, and as they do Mark proves to be excellent company with plenty of refreshing views on drinking.

Show Notes

Lost & Grounded Kellar Pils (440ml), £2.50, Waitrose

Brazin Old Vine Zinfandel, Waitrose, £14.99

Journey’s End Sir Lowry Cabernet Sauvignon, Waitrose, £14.99

Altos Las Hormigas Malbec, Waitrose £14.99

Tapatio Tequilas, all available at The Whisky Exchange 

For more about Mark head to

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What is The Thinking Drinkers Podcast?

No matter what day of the year it is, there is always a compelling reason to enjoy a discerning drink. Responsibly of course.

This hilarious, eclectic and erudite elbow-bending adventure through the calendar reveals what you should be drinking this week - and a fascinating and compelling reason to drink it.

Hosts Ben McFarland & Tom Sandham, aka The Thinking Drinkers, have deftly decanted 40 years of unwavering dedication to awesome alcohol into a podcast that will broaden your booze horizons and make you seem even more interesting than you already are.

Steeped in eccentric events, fascinating facts and with all the cocktail recipes and recommendations a thirsty gastronome requires, this pod arms people with essential, some would say useless, anecdotal ammunition with which to impress your mates over a drink...or two.