A Cunning Man's Journal

In the first part of the journal entry, I reflected on a conversation with my mundane friend, Mr. H, who was fascinated and skeptical about my occult interests. Mundanes often view magic as something fantastical, much like collectors who own rare art but fail to appreciate its depth. While they may be curious, few actually pursue or understand magic beyond the surface level. Magic, like art, is sacred and complex, and it is challenging to share its true meaning with those who only see it as entertainment. This encounter made me reflect on the difficulty of explaining magic to someone who only views it as “woo-woo,” failing to grasp its deeper, practical applications.

In the subsequent sections, I delved into the three fundamental components of magic—psychological, physiological, and energetic. Mr. H was quick to attribute magical effects to the placebo effect, but he failed to see the broader picture. Magic works by combining all three aspects, just as the ancient Egyptians did in their powerful rituals. Psychological techniques work with the unconscious mind, while potions and substances affect the body on a physiological level, and energy manipulation adds a third, elusive layer. Modern practitioners often focus solely on the energetic level, but true magic is holistic. It integrates all three components, creating a powerful synergy that goes beyond what science, medicine, or religion can accomplish individually.

What is A Cunning Man's Journal?

Welcome to The Cunning Man's Journal, a podcast where an anonymous British practitioner of folk magic shares his personal journey, rituals, and reflections. Rooted in centuries-old traditions, this modern-day Cunning Man offers insight into the mystical world of spellcraft, divination, and herbal lore, blending the ancient with the contemporary. Each episode unfolds like an entry from his secret journal, giving listeners a rare glimpse into the mind of a local magical practitioner. Join him as he shares stories, lessons, and the occasional bit of mischief—all while keeping his identity hidden in the shadows.