New Era of Engineering

Academic research traditionally focuses on intellectual curiosity and the search for the truth, while corporate research aims to help companies build and maintain competitive advantages and deliver profit. So how can these two worlds come together for mutual benefits?   
Markus Bambach, Professor for Advanced Manufacturing at ETH Zürich; and Ramon Antelo, Chief Technology Officer for Manufacturing and Industrial Operations at Capgemini Engineering, discusses the research collaboration established between ETH Zurich and Capgemini on the development of AI solutions to design multi-material structures for additive layer manufacturing. They explore how the AI-driven design of multi-material structures for additive layer manufacturing holds transformative potential for society. 
· Markus Bambach, Professor for Advanced Manufacturing at ETH Zürich 
· Ramon Antelo, Chief Technology Officer for Manufacturing and Industrial Operations at Capgemini Engineering 
Host: Liz Lugnier, Head of Sustainability Portfolio Management, Capgemini 
Production: Bertille De Vlieger 
Realization: Gustavo Roa Meza 

What is New Era of Engineering ?

Embark on a journey into the heart of ongoing tech research & innovation with 'New Era of Engineering' a series by Capgemini Engineering addressing key challenges for a more intelligent industry.

Curious to learn about how some of today’s challenges are being tackled to create a more intelligent tomorrow? Join us as we guide you, through the cutting-edge world of AI, Sustainability, Automotive, Digital Twins, 5G, and more alongside prestigious technological pioneers and researchers.