Feel The Ad Love!

As business owners we find ourselves in a time of confusion. Beyond the obvious for most businesses, lack of incoming business, how do we speak to our clients and customers. The answer is simple. Let the conversation continue, and maintain an attitude of transparency while sending a beneficial and hopeful message. Listen in and see if any of these ideas might be helpful.

Show Notes

We sat down for a conversation with Valentina Gomez Bravo of Bunker 58, a branding agency here in Houston.  From using your brand values as a compass to consistency and timing to having a conversation that is relevant to your audience, we are sharing a few gems that will help your business do a better job of keeping the connection with your business audience.  Consider how many of these points could be put into action today.

Feel The Ad Love is a production of Radio Lounge. Find a voiceover coach, get a podcast produced, or take advantage of our award-winning sound design services.

What is Feel The Ad Love!?

A podcast about all things advertising and marketing, featuring great guests and stories. Produced by Radio Lounge in Houston, Texas USA