Green Talks

We are back to discuss research on membrane separation as a force for driving sustainability in the water. Mr Wiebe is a professor in Membrane Science and Technology with his key research being in the fundamentals of surface science with physical chemistry and the applied field of membranes. Do not worry, he will give us a 101 basics crash course on all these environmentally relevant research fields.

Creators & Guests

Tamas Szecsei
Tamas Szecsei - Undergraduate student at the University of Twente with a major in Industrial Engineering and Management.
Wiebe de Vos
His work in membrane surface science encompasses the coating of membranes for various functional enhancements, including anti-fouling, enhanced separations, easy-to-clean membranes and virus in-activation, but also entails building up a detailed understanding on the exact interactions between the membrane interface and selected molecules and particles. His research line gives Prof. de Vos a unique position within the national and international fields of both Membrane Science and Colloid and Interface Science.

What is Green Talks?

We kick off one of the dearest projects, Green Talks, a podcast series aimed to give researchers of the University of Twente a voice. We have been working hard on bringing together more students and researchers working towards sustainable development.
Enjoy, inspire, and get inspired!