Problem Corner

This week on #ProblemCorner, host Wade tackles a mix of topics that range from the practical to the provocative. First up, we're diving into the issue of flooding and the essential but often overlooked backflow devices that can prevent water contamination. Wade will talk with experts to break down why these devices matter and what you can do to protect your home and community from flood-related damage.

Next, we shift gears to tourism here in Juneau, the challenges and opportunities in the tourism sector, and how the city is gearing up for tourists as the cruise season approaches.

Education is also on the agenda, with a focus on what's happening in the Juneau School District. 

Lastly, we're stepping into the controversial world of arms dealing. 

With #ProblemCorner, you're not just listening to a radio show and podcast; you're joining a community of curious minds eager to explore the issues that matter. Tune in this week for an episode that promises to inform, inspire, and ignite conversation. Don't miss it!

What is Problem Corner?

"Problem Corner" stands as a unique and eclectic platform, proudly bearing the slogan "Buy, Sell, Trade or Vent" on KINY's website. This show has become a vibrant community hub where callers freely engage in a wide array of discussions, ranging from fiery local political debates to community commentary and casual advertisements for listeners looking to buy, sell or trade personal items. Tracing its roots back to the mid-1950s, this program has evolved significantly over the years.

The show's rich history is marked by its association with several prominent local figures. Notably, Dennis Egan, a former mayor of Juneau, was a key personality in shaping the show's direction in the 1980s.

As a testament to its enduring relevance and appeal, "Problem Corner" has etched its name in the annals of Alaskan broadcasting history. It's not just a radio show, but a cultural landmark, celebrated for being the longest-running radio show in Alaska. Its journey through the decades mirrors the dynamic changes in Southeast Alaska, making it a cherished institution in the region. The show is heard every Saturday morning on KINY Radio.