Military Mindset for Business

Running a business can be one of the most challenging paths a person chooses to take - it’s a journey where obstacles must be faced head-on, glass-ceilings in growth shattered, and personal limitations overcome. Just ask our next guest, Aidan Parsons. Aidan is the Director of Keystone Executive Coaching, and a leadership and behavioural outcomes specialist who works at the coalface, everyday helping business owners reach their desired level of success.

In this episode of Military Mindset for Business, Aidan shares his insights into how he helps clients grow businesses that provide them with a life, rather than take from their life. He tackles topics including; letting go of control as a business owner, navigating egos in business, the dichotomy of selling, the power of a business model with integrity, and why having a pay-on-results coach is so important. 

What is Military Mindset for Business?

There are many lessons business can learn from the military and your host Pete Liston is going to share exactly what he learnt in the Australian Army that has allowed him to create and build multiple 7 figure businesses. Pete will be joined by guests who have also transitioned from military to entrepreneurship and are keen to share their stories.