Ever heard of music therapy for children? I had but really didn’t really know what it was! Ashley Koch joins us in episode 68 to share her story of how she found her calling(or really how it found her) in music therapy and just how incredible it is for children and adults. Learning disabilities, motor and developmental skills, stress management, fun! You name it, music can do wonders. Ashley now uses music therapy to homeschool her own children and can’t wait to see what the future brings in each season of life. If your child is having trouble in school or you want to introduce them to music this episode is for you!
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Listen to interviews of REAL moms with all very different experiences that have made them who they are today. MOTHERHOOD IS HARD. Empowerhood is your one stop shop for all your parenting needs. Providing support, encouragement and resources for moms all over the world. Join us each week as we discover the why behind each incredible mama! Every trial can be turned into a triumph, and we all have a story.