The Gospel Life

A Reflection on Isaiah 40:31
What would it be like to move in the Spirit the way an eagle moves in the air?

Show Notes

Normally, I reflect on the readings of Sunday’s liturgy, but today a different reading has grabbed my attention. Isaiah Chapter 40. This might be my favorite chapter in all of the Old Testament. If you have never read it, from first verse to last, I invited you to schedule 10 minutes this week to do so. It’s a treasure that will reward you many times over. 

What is The Gospel Life?

After graduating from Harvard College with a degree in English Literature and the Comparative Study of Religion, Neal Tew spent three years in a monastery.

The lessons he learned there - compiled in the book, The Gospel Life - continue to shape his life as husband, father and working professional. The monastic practice of Lectio Divina - prayerful meditation on Scripture - was one of the great treasures he discovered there.

In this podcast, Neal shares the fruits of this practice from the perspective of a non-monk. He hopes to encourage others to take up this ancient wisdom.