The Last Splash

Carrie Kramer, co-founder of FutureProofd, discusses the challenges and key elements of a successful sales function. She emphasizes the importance of leadership setting relevant goals and metrics that align with the marketplace and the needs of the sales team. She also highlights the significance of authenticity in sales, encouraging salespeople to show up as their true selves and build genuine relationships with clients. Additionally, she discusses the role of automation and AI in sales, suggesting that salespeople should leverage technology to streamline administrative tasks while still maintaining a personal touch. Finally, she emphasizes the importance of collaboration between marketing and sales to create a cohesive story and deliver value to clients.

What is The Last Splash?

The marketing community's destination for direct, unencumbered conversations about the future of our industry. Featuring guests from the wide, diverse groups that are involved in every aspect of marketing. From brand CMOs to freelance artists. From rural, suburban, urban and global backgrounds. And from every circle of the ad tech ecosystem.