Start With A Win

As founder and CEO of the iconic bracelet brand Lokai, Steven Izen has seen tremendous success in business and leadership. Being the youngest member on the national board of the Make a Wish Foundation and named on Forbes 30 Under 30 list in 2017, Izen stays focused by implementing balance and global-mindedness in life and business.

Show Notes

The journey of life is made up of highs and lows, pain and joy, challenges and triumphs. Even at a young age, Steven Izen came to understand this truth that connects all humans. The key to success is figuring out how to find balance in all of life’s extremes. Out of this concept, Steven created his brand Lokai. Lokai bracelets serve as a reminder to stay humble on the mountain peaks of life and hopeful in the valleys. More than simply offering consumers an excellent product, Lokai’s mission extends beyond retail into mindfulness and active participation in the global community. 

Izen attributes much of his success to staying focused on his values— fitness, family, and business. As a young leader in a quickly changing world of business, Izen builds relationships with his team with intentionality and isn’t afraid to have the hard conversations. Company values are woven into the fabric of every day operations, primarily open communication, work/life balance, and giving back to the community. This is how businesses maintain integrity and support a growth mindset within a company’s culture. 

Main Topics

  • How Izen developed the concept, values, and brand for Lokai and the meaning behind the name (02:16)
  • Izen’s personal exploration of mindfulness in leadership (06:30)
  • Current shifts in employer/employee relationships and the importance of balance in the workplace (10:36)
  • How entrepreneurs can be growth-oriented by giving back to community (14:40)
  • Special offer for listeners! (16:54)
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What is Start With A Win?

Every day you have a choice. You can wake up and choose to give in to mediocrity and complacency, you can choose bad habits and poor choices, and you can do the bare minimum to get by and fly under the radar. Or you can choose to make today the day that sets you apart from the crowd, you can choose to start doing the right things, the things that will set you up for success. You can choose to create a life that is worth living, worth waking up to, and worth sharing with the world around you. Today You can choose to start with a win.