Life, Hope and Truth Presents

Modern, mainstream Christianity teaches that our bodies die, but we live on as souls. So why does the Bible teach something else entirely?

Knowing what your soul is—and what happens to it after you die—is a core concept of Christianity. Join Gary Black as he explains both the biblical teaching of the soul and how that teaching became corrupted over the centuries.

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“The Last Enemy: What Really Happens After Death?”  

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Church of God, a Worldwide Association 

Creators & Guests

Gary Black

What is Life, Hope and Truth Presents?

You have questions. The Bible has answers. Life, Hope & Truth Presents is a show that explores what the Bible has to say about who God is, what He’s doing, why it matters—and, of course, where we fit into it.

Why are you here? Why does God allow evil? How can we be sure He exists? What does He expect from us? How will His Kingdom transform the world? Join us every two weeks for a new episode tackling these questions and more.